Beauty and Function in One Treatment: Disappointment Leads to Transformation
Dr. Lena Sapozhnikoff is a top dentist offering Invisalign in NYC. Her patients are so happy to give testimonials because she helps them achieve such big transformations in the beauty and function of their smiles. Dr. Lena has a special talent with Invisalign treatments and often accomplishes truly remarkable results over relatively short treatment times.
A patient of Dr. Lena’s, Colette, began her treatment with another dentist who offers Invisalign in NYC. She sought a new dentist, however, when she wasn’t seeing the results she had hoped for. This is what brought her to Dr. Lena Sapozhnikoff, who is known for top-of-the-line Invisalign in NYC. Dr. Lena routinely takes on challenging cases and gets results, so Colette decided to double down and give Dr. Lena a try rather than give up on her ideal smile.
Colette’s goal had been to broaden her smile, but as with so many Invisalign patients, the cosmetic issue is a symptom of a functional issue they don’t even know they have. Consider that each person only has their own biting and chewing experience to draw from. So, when things aren’t working quite right, most people don’t know it! The functional issue that Colette had was a slight crossbite.

What is a Crossbite?
A crossbite is a type of bite misalignment where top teeth fall behind bottom teeth when the patient naturally closes their mouth. Not to be confused with an underbite, a crossbite is typically characterized by some top teeth leaning inward and sitting behind some bottom teeth. (An underbite would mean the whole top arch sits behind the bottom arch.)
Why is a Crossbite a Problem?
A crossbite, first and foremost, affects a patient’s biting function. Because the teeth aren’t coming together in a harmonious way when the patient bites and chews, they can wear against one another and lose enamel. Teeth involved in a crossbite also often chip or become sensitive.
Muscle alignment may suffer because of a crossbite too. Our muscles are smart; they learn and compensate for imbalances in the body. So, a patient’s jaw muscles may begin to compensate for the unnatural working position of the teeth. This can lead to an even more unbalanced bite, as well as jaw pain, neck strain, and migraines.
Left untreated, the short-term effects of a crossbite can add up to cause longer-term issues. Tooth loss and speech impediment may occur, along with bone deviation, which can eventually change the esthetics of the face. Not to worry, you have time to fix your crossbite before any of this happens!
Can Invisalign Broaden Your Smile?
With the right dentist, it sure can!
Back to Colette’s original goal. Her smile appeared narrower than she liked. Getting those upper teeth to all sit outside the lowers was the key to fixing both her esthetic concern and the functional issue of a crossbite. The thing her previous dentist had been unable to do over two years of treatment. How did Dr. Lena do it? She simply added rubber bands!

What Do Rubber Bands Do for Invisalign?
We tend to associate rubber bands with metal braces (and maybe veggies from the produce market), but not Invisalign. Yes, Invisalign treatment often employs rubber bands too, and it can make all the difference in a treatment plan like Colette’s. By adding rubber bands, and thanks to Colette doing an excellent job of wearing her aligners and rubber bands, Dr. Lena was able to give her that broad, beautiful smile she wanted in just under a year!
Find Out if Dr. Lena Can Help You with Invisalign in NYC!
If you have something you’d like to improve about your smile or bite function (or both!) and are considering Invisalign in NYC, give Dr. Lena’s office a call. We’ll help you get started and set up a consultation today!