NYC Invisalign Dentist Offers Holistic and Creative Treatment Solutions
Teenage Hannah’s adult teeth had all come in, save one missing canine. Another dentist told Hannah and her mom to wait and see, but after two years of waiting, they became concerned and sought another opinion. This is how they came to see Dr. Lena Sapozhnikoff about Invisalign in NYC. Dr. Lena’s holistic, science-based approach, driven and passionate nature, compassion, and education make her the best Invisalign dentist in NYC. Using her signature root-cause approach, Dr. Lena helped Hannah not only coax her missing tooth to come in, but also achieve a beautiful smile.

Why Aren’t Permanent Teeth Coming In?
There can be a number of reasons for an adolescent’s permanent teeth failing to erupt, but the two most common causes are insufficient space and a tooth that is growing in the wrong direction. Braces, extractions, or a combination of the two are the typical remedies; but Dr. Lena gravitates to a third option— palatal expansion.
When Dr. Lena looked at Hannah’s scans, she quickly saw what she needed to do. It might have seemed counterintuitive because Hannah’s palate appeared plenty wide, but Dr. Lena was sure that they needed to start by creating more space for the reluctant tooth. So, she began treatment with MSE, or maxillary skeletal expansion, and what do you know, Hannah’s shy canine showed itself just three months later!

MSE, compared to extractions and braces, or braces alone, is typically a quicker solution for patients whose permanent teeth are failing to erupt. In just a few weeks to a month, the mouth has space for more teeth. Furthermore, it’s not hard to imagine how this could be a superior alternative to extractions and braces, because sometimes there simply isn’t enough room in an adolescent’s mouth for all of the permanent teeth to erupt and settle into their respective spots. Palatal expansion is the only treatment that genuinely creates new space in the mouth.
How to Fix Bite and Crooked Teeth Without Braces
With Hannah’s last tooth in, Dr. Lena turned her attention to her deep bite and mild malocclusion (misaligned teeth). This was a job for Invisalign! While many dentists insist on braces and other interventions for bite issues, Dr. Lena has never been “one of the pack.” She felt confident they could fix Hannah’s bite with Invisalign and elastics, avoiding more invasive hardware altogether. Naturally, they did!
Although not specific to Hannah’s treatment, Invisalign’s precision wings can even move the jaw, repair bite, and improve the appearance of the chin, all without braces or metal bands in class 2 underbite cases. This mandibular advancement feature has been a real game-changer for Invisalign technology, allowing the clear aligners to handle yet another task that previously called for metal braces.

Hannah benefited from one of MSE and Invisalign’s lesser-known side effects: Her face opened up in a way that she was pleased with. Neither treatment is a cosmetic procedure, and they don’t always change patients’ facial structures noticeably. But, when they do, it is almost always viewed by the patients themselves as an improvement, as was the case for Hannah. She was happy with the outcome and chose not to do a refinement even though one was recommended.
A Holistic Approach to Dentistry
Dr. Lena cares deeply about the overall health of her patients, and so her approach to dentistry is not symptom-driven, but rather focused on what will truly solve problems and improve quality of life. Ensuring that Hannah’s jaw could accommodate all of her teeth and doing so in the least invasive way possible, Dr. Lena can rest knowing she’s helped this teen avoid future teeth troubles.
Book a consultation today to see if the best Invisalign dentist in NYC can help you or your teen get the best possible smile!